
Saturday, March 10, 2018


WALT: work intelligently to solve difficult problems and knowing what electrons are.
To be successful we will: 
  • Listen and follow instructions
  • Work together 
  • Focus on what you are trying to build

Here is a group of us trying to figure out how to put this electronic set together. And this is what we came up with. Connecting from one to another. Electrons are electricity currency flowing through wires to connect to a light or object to make it turn on and off.
Here we are finished one of the sets.
Here give it a try by going on this website called Electronic simulator to test out how good you are.

1 comment:

  1. Great work guys I can see you all discussing how to put this electronic set together and collaborating in groups like this always gives the best results. Each of you will have an idea what’s happening and will see the light turn on when the electrons enabling electricity currents to travel through to the light 💡 from the battery...awesome 🤗


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